
This publication navigates Australian immigration law and provides detailed and practical guidance on managing a migration client from initial engagement to final decision.

1 Matter Plan


This publication navigates Australian immigration law and provides detailed and practical guidance on managing a migration client from initial engagement to final decision.

The commentary, prepared by experienced immigration lawyers, provides a deep dive into all major visa types including bridging visa applications and student visa applications. Further, there are templates and step-by-step guides to cover reviews and appeals.

Designed to support seasoned legal practitioners, as well as junior team members, the guide ensures that the law firm is equipped with the latest immigration precedents and decisions, and can provide timely, well-informed advice to clients.

Precedents in this publication include:

  • Proof of relationship statement with example content;
  • Cover letter – Visitor visa;
  • Letters of advice for various visa applications;
  • Responses to requests for further information;
  • Suite of client letters for different visas at various stages;
  • Necessary forms and precedents for review, appeals, and ministerial intervention.

The comprehensive Retainer Instructions ensures nothing is missed and the client is properly advised.

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  • Unlimited access across all devices

  • Practical and up-to-date

  • Comprehensive library of legal precedents and forms

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1 Matter Plan Included

  • Bylawyers
    ALERTS - Nil

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  • Bylawyers
    Full Commentary - Immigration

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  • Bylawyers
    “This publication navigates Australian migration legislation and provides detailed practical guidance on managing a migration client from initial engagement to final decision. Australian migration is prescribed under the Migration Act 1958 and the Migration Regulations 1994. The Department of Home ...”

    This excerpt is a preview of the full publication. You can Subscribe Now and gain immediate access to the complete publication.

  • Bylawyers
    Summary of the process
    “Applying for a visa The usual steps in making a valid visa application include:”

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  • Bylawyers
    Comments and suggestions for By Lawyers

    This excerpt is a preview of the full publication. You can Subscribe Now and gain immediate access to the complete publication.

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