Defamation and Protecting ReputationFED

A complete guide to the Defamation Act and related areas, including privacy, breach of confidence, injunctive relief, injurious falsehood, and misleading or deceptive conduct.

2 Matter Plans


A complete guide to the Defamation Act and related areas, including privacy, breach of confidence, injunctive relief, injurious falsehood, and misleading or deceptive conduct. Also included is 101 Subpoena Answers, which is a useful reference guide.

Precedents in this publication include:

  • Letter before publication;
  • Example content for letter of demand;
  • Library of statements of claim;
  • Example content for a suite of court forms;
  • Client letters confirming successful or unsuccessful outcomes.

The comprehensive Retainer Instructions ensures nothing is missed and the client is properly advised.

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  • Practical and up-to-date

  • Comprehensive library of legal precedents and forms

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2 Matter Plans Included

  • Bylawyers
    101 Subpoena Answers
    “The term subpoena is adapted from Latin but was never a Latin word. It has long been an English word. The plural, used in this guide and generally is therefore subpoenas, not subpoenae. In some Australian jurisdictions the term summons is used instead of subpoena, as in Summons for Production, or ...”

    This excerpt is a preview of the full publication. You can Subscribe Now and gain immediate access to the complete publication.

  • Bylawyers
    “Jurisdictions, types of subpoenas and other compulsory production While references to legislation and courts in this guide are NSW based, unless otherwise stated, the general law relating to subpoenas does not differ between states – only the procedure in some respects.”

    This excerpt is a preview of the full publication. You can Subscribe Now and gain immediate access to the complete publication.

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